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Kitten Sittin' of Delaware
Your cats are going to LOVE us!
If your pet is more comfortable being in their own home, we'll stop by for feedings, play time, and hugs!
(1 visit per day minimum)

Basic Visit - $20
Up to 15-minute visit. We will stop in and take care of your cat's basic needs. We will feed, give fresh water and scoop their litter boxes.
Standard Visit - $25
This 30-minute visit is the Basic Visit, PLUS time to spend with your cats. Many cats love their human interaction time. Pets, cuddles, brushing, and play!

Premium Visit - $32.50
This 45-minute visit has all the perks for your favorite feline babies! More time = more pets, cuddles, brushing, and play! We can sit and have lap time or turn the tv on and have quality time with your cats while you're away.

For vacations, travel, day trips
Visits start at once per day and could go up to four per day.
Daily text/email with an update on how the visit(s) went.
Will administer medication if needed
Will switch on/off lights, bring in mail
No overnight visits at this time.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
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